Author name: Ashley

Thoughts on a Mindset Shift to Quality over Quantity

quality over quantity

What does quality over quantity mean? Choosing quality over quantity means prioritizing a few key items over lots of most times mediocre things. It could refer to belongings like clothes or even friendships. For belongings, it also means that maybe you spend more money on a few really classic pieces that will last forever versus

Thoughts on a Mindset Shift to Quality over Quantity Read More »

10 Powerful Emotional Self-Care Practices to Get Stronger

emotional self-care

What is emotional self-care? Emotional self-care is to be conscious of and name your feelings, sit with them, feel them in a way that honors you and emotion and builds emotional intelligence through self-reflection.  Emotions will come out in some form 100% of the time. If you sit with them and allow yourself to feel

10 Powerful Emotional Self-Care Practices to Get Stronger Read More »

8 Awesome Aspects of Creating a Capsule Wardrobe to Energize your Routine

capsule wardrobe joy

HINT: It’s energizing because it simplifies everything! There are so many reasons that a capsule wardrobe simplifies your daily routine and beyond. So, what are the benefits of a capsule wardrobe? How can creating a capsule wardrobe simplify your life? What are the benefits of a capsule wardrobe? Benefits of a capsule wardrobe include having

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