Thoughts on a Mindset Shift to Quality over Quantity

What does quality over quantity mean?

Choosing quality over quantity means prioritizing a few key items over lots of most times mediocre things. It could refer to belongings like clothes or even friendships. For belongings, it also means that maybe you spend more money on a few really classic pieces that will last forever versus buying a bunch of cheap trendy pieces that you’ll get sick of fast or that won’t hold up as well.

For friendships, maybe you focus on the few people in your life who make you feel the best, who show up for you and love you unconditionally versus having tons of casual acquaintances in your feed. It’s about being picky with who we decide to use our energy/time and spend our money on.

Quality Clothing and the Benefits of Minimalism

To illustrate the concept of quality over quantity examples, I’ll take you back to the eighties. I was a kid growing up in eighties America and one of my best friends’ parents divorced and her mom moved her back to France. She would come to visit her dad every summer, so we were joined at the hip the whole time. I had tons of colorful clothes with hearts and stars and patterns that I’d change multiple times a day and she would always be in the same grey dress or white shirt. My bathing suits were two piece and glittery with ruffles. She had a blue speedo that she wore every summer.

When she got $200 one summer for helping out at her dad’s shop, she went out and bought a pair of black pants, a crisp white shirt, and a new sweater. My 13-year-old brain did not compute. But she said these are quality pieces that I can wear for years. The French mentality vs. my American teenage brain were on opposite sides. There is no right or wrong in this scenario but it just illustrates the difference in perspective. Years later she told me she was always jealous of all my fun and colorful clothes.

It always stuck in my brain even though for years I still continued to be a clothes and shoes horse, especially vintage fun and wacky pieces. For the last decade or so though, I have embraced a mostly minimalist approach to all of my belongings. Focusing on quality pieces, the ones that make me the happiest, and feel like a true expression of me. It just so happens that my color palette has somewhat muted and most days I prefer neutral tones because it’s easy and makes my mind feel calm.

In fact, I wrote an article on “8 Awesome Aspects of Creating a Capsule Wardrobe to Energize your Routine.” The article includes all of the benefits you can experience by simplifying and creating a minimalist wardrobe. And if you’re looking for some suggestions, this article from Durability Matters includes some of the clothing brands that I look to.

But my absolute favorite for saving up money on super quality, well-made, thoughtful, and gorgeous clothes is hands down always TOAST. I’m in love with everything they do and stand for. If you haven’t heard of them, please give them some love.

Here are some great quality over quantity quotes to inspire a shift in mindset:

  • Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles. – Steve Jobs
  • A bad investment is going for quantity over quality. If you’re trying to be careful with your wallet, especially with the economy right now, you have to choose staple pieces. – Christian Siriano
  • We measure genius by quality, not by quantity. – Wendell Philips
  • It is quality rather than quantity that matters. – Seneca
  • Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. – Henry Ford
  • Quality, not quantity, is my measure. – Douglas William Jerrold
  • Quality is the best business plan. – John Lasseter
  • Being busy does not make you better or more successful. Quality, not quantity is what is important. – Tamara Taggart

Quality over quantity relationships

Now back to the friend front, I have a few super important friends in my life that I nurture my relationship with above all others. These are friends who have seen some of my worst moments and say, well you think you’re the only one? Welcome to the club! They are the best people I know who have no objective other than loving each other and being there when we need to laugh, vent, cry or whatever is coming up in the moment.

  • I would rather have 1 amazing best friend than 100 decent regular friends. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. – Connor Franta
  • You don’t need everyone to love you. Just a few good people. – Charity Barnum

For people who are introverts and highly sensitive, it can be very rewarding to focus on a few key relationships and it also helps to temper social anxiety and overwhelm. That’s not to say that you cut out friends or only have a few. I have tons of fabulous friends and acquaintances in my life who I love to spend time and connect with. And I’m so appreciative and grateful to have so many people in my life. I just know the few calls I’m gonna make more regularly because I just miss my few closest buds if too much time passes.  

So if you’re wanting to save some money, save time and energy, feel less scattered, then it’s worth exploring how you’re prioritizing these things in your life. It’s a gentle reminder to explore your perspective and see if there’s a desire and space to make shifts in your thinking.

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