9 Stellar Ways to Destress and Enjoy Every Day

Living a completely stress-free life may not be realistic, but there are 100% little changes you can make to decrease the stress in your life. Here are some stellar ways that you can try out to reduce the feelings of stress in your day.

Even small tweaks to your daily routine can have a positive impact on how you are feeling on any given day, which is all we need to worry about how we are feeling in the moment that we’re in.

Care less about others’ opinions

We all look at the world through filters of our own life experiences, understandings, biases, and fears. You have no idea why someone is thinking what they’re thinking, so why bother worrying about it?

In most cases, they’re not even thinking about you, or they do not think what you fear they do in the first place. Or maybe they are having a bad day and said something mean or inconsiderate because they are the ones hurting. It has nothing to do with you.

That’s why I’ve always loved this quote, 

Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.

Robin Sharma

Get the most important stuff done first

Isn’t it true that the one thing that’s the most important to get done sits on your to-do list for too long, staring you down and weighing on your shoulders?

Just think of how freeing it would feel about tackling that thing first and save all of the strife and stress it causes by procrastinating. You have to do it regardless, so why suffer from putting it off? And if you do it first, then it doesn’t have to occupy space in your brain.

Just clear your mind, sit with the task, and get it done so you can move on.

Wear the same thing every day

This one is intended to take one thing off your plate every day and reduce your stress levels. It’s one less decision to make, one less thing to think about doing. I’m sure you’ve heard of some of the most notable people who have done this over the years, like Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, and Einstein. You don’t have to be an Einstein to benefit from this practice.

There are a few reasons why it’s so helpful. One, you’ll save money from not having to buy a bunch of clothes to fill your closet. Two, you’ll have less laundry to do and less stuff to keep organized. Three, you can start your day quicker and not fret over what to wear.

Especially now in COVID times, people who can work remotely don’t have to worry about having a new blazer for every day or wearing uncomfortable shoes to look professional in the office. 

Eat the same thing every day

Again, this is to save time and brain space. As long as you’re cooking healthy, well-balanced food, it takes the thinking out of meal prep. I’m in the boat of always wanting something tasty and healthy but having a little bit of everything in the fridge but can never figure out what to eat.

With this practice, and with wearing the same thing every day, it’s a balance. There needs to be some changing it up, so you enjoy what you eat and not get too sick of it. But overall, having some basics in the kitchen that you can rely on is a great way to keep life simple. 

Shift from negative to a positive perspective

It’s impossible to always have a positive outlook.

But there’s a tangible shift in your experience of circumstances when you can at least acknowledge a positive way of looking at things, even in the toughest of times. There are gifts in every experience since pain is a teacher.

Even if you hate the day or your grumpy boss, maybe think of how thankful you can be that you don’t act the way he does or even remember that you’re alive, and that’s something for which to be grateful. 

Check out my favorite reads to shift your perspective.

Be honest with yourself and others (speak your truth)

I can’t stress this enough. Living your truth and standing by it lifts such a burden off. Even if it’s scary at first to be vulnerable by telling people your truth, shining light into the dark spots opens up your energy and creates more space around you. 

It is vulnerable because there’s the fear that if you share your honest self, and someone judges you or doesn’t like what you say or do, then it will be even harder to deal with than if you just show up not being completely yourself, because they’re only getting the version of you that you’re letting them in on. But it’s worth taking that risk and showing people, and yourself, who you really are.

That’s how you start to feel confident in yourself, and build up trust with yourself, for yourself.

Adjust your attitude about possessions

As humans, we place value on particular inanimate objects for sentimental and societal reasons. I’ve gone to enough estate sales to see how the important things we hold so dear turn back into just random objects once we’re gone. People looking over someone else’s possessions cut clear through to the truth that it’s just stuff.

Now, I’m not a robot, and I love to have plenty of things and enjoy in my life. But it’s a conscious decision to keep what gives joy and appreciation versus just having crap for the sake of it. 

I remember when my grama died, I couldn’t let her stuff go and I had it all shipped across the country to my house. But then pretty soon, my whole house smelled like her and I felt the burden of taking good care of all of her possessions.

It took over.

Then for the next couple of years, I worked on paring down only the most special pieces to me, and not what was worth the most or what I thought she’d want me to keep. It’s a process of letting go and remembering what’s really important, the memories and the love.

Check out this awesome post from Becoming Minimalist on how to stop wasting time on chasing possessions.

Find movement and exercise daily

Moving your body is critical to maintaining the optimal functioning of your body and your mind. I struggle with this one, even though I consider myself healthy.

Especially now working from home during the pandemic, I used to ride my bike 40 minutes each way into work, and now I walk 40 steps to the living room. But when I do get my body moving, it’s like a mind wipe and brings me right back to the present. 

Laugh and smile more

Sometimes during the workday, I have virtual tea with a work friend to take a breath and break up the day with something light and fun.

It can change the whole outlook of the day to have that time just to decompress, vent, and laugh at how ridiculous some of the stuff we have to do is.

Also, think of how different you feel after watching a drama or horror movie or show versus a comedy. It can and does influence your mood. So when you’re deciding on what to watch or read, try to remember to limit negative entertainment and try comedy and laughter instead. When you’re taking a break from work, maybe have a laugh with a friend or colleague instead of watching the news or scrolling on social.

Final Thoughts

I hope these ideas I have pulled together will be a helpful resource if you’ve been feeling stressed out. Go ahead and give one of these ideas a try and let me know if it helped!

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