The Ultimate Guide – 61 Weekend Activities

Weekends are the best and the worse at the same time, and sometimes thinking of weekend activities can be daunting.

We finally have a chance to relax after a long work week, but we are either exhausted and need to catch up or the unscheduled time we were so looking forward to now seems daunting. If you don’t know how to fill your time or have analysis paralysis with how to enjoy your time off, just close your eyes, scroll down, and try the first thing you put your finger on.

Or just try the first things that make your eyes light up or something that makes you go, yeah, I’ve been wanting to get to that for a while. Just do it, even if you have to say to yourself that you’ll dip your toe in for five minutes or just walk around the block.  Taking on new things in a small way can be more effective, than trying to do it all at once or committing to big life goals.

It is the small things, right?

Okay, now to the good stuff!

Ideas for Weekend Activities

Read in the sun.

And not on your phone. Read a book or a magazine even, find a sunny spot in your house or apartment, or somewhere out in the yard. Get lost in a story, read about how to improve yourself, learn about history, or whatever floats your boat.

Watch the sunset.

Well, sunsets can just be so dang beautiful and there’s something about an amazing sunset that connects you to the present. It can stop you in your tracks and take your breath away. Take a drive, walk, or bike to a good look out spot and stop to appreciate the moment.

Go on a picnic.

Pack your favorite treats, bring your best cutlery and napkins, and set up a spread that is fit for a special occasion.

Schedule a morning workout.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by how to fill the unscheduled hours facing you down, starting off with a work out in the morning will help to shake out the anxiety bugs, get your head into the present moment, and focus on just making it through the workout. Then you’ve accomplished something right off the bat, gotten your endorphins pumping, and the rest of the day won’t have as much pressure put on it.

Play board games.

People of any age can enjoy a good board game. You can stop to just have fun and spend some time with a friend or loved one to just be silly and relax. Some of my favorites are Monopoly, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit.

Eat ice cream.

Take a walk to the local ice cream shop or pick up a pint and some cones, maybe even some sprinkles if you’re feeling it. Really good quality ice cream is such a treat, especially for us sweet tooths out there.

Make a romantic dinner.

It’s so easy to forget to stop and do something nice for your partner. How cool would it be for them to come home and fine a romantic dinner waiting for them.

Have a Luddite evening.

Pretend that the power is out and bust out the candles, books, games, etc. and disconnect for a night. I bet you’ll be shocked at how it can feel like time actually slows down.

Go on a digital scavenger hunt.

You can start to notice things you haven’t before when you’re looking for specific things to photograph. Create a list of items to find in your neighborhood and take photos of. Do it with friends and have a prize at the end for whoever finds the most or takes the most creative photos.

Be a staycation tourist.

There are so many things that I bet you’ve never checked out in your own city or town. Those things on your list that you’ve always wanted to try but think, well it’s always there when I have the time. Now’s the time, be a tourist.

Go to a farmers’ market.

Farmers’ markets are the best because the quality of produce and good is always great, you can discover new things to try, it’s great for strolling and people watching, and you can usually score some great samples as you walk.


If you want a warm hug, try baking something. If you don’t feel domestic or all warm and fuzzy, just try baking some more. Then share your bounty with a neighbor or your friends.


So many organizations need volunteers all of the time. Animal shelters usually love when people show up and offer to take dogs for a walk, or shelters to help serve food, or now in COVID times, tons of facilities need volunteers at all experience levels to help get people vaccinated. Just do a google search for your area, and tons of stuff is bound to pop up.

Beach day.

If you live near a beach, just get yourself there. Bring some goodies, a book, blanket, and a hat and veg. Whether you enjoy jumping in the water and swimming or playing in the waves, or just sitting and reading a book and people watching, there’s no pressure at the beach and getting some sun, while also protecting your skin, is good for the soul.

Rearrange furniture.

Things hold energy, and shifting around your living space can create fresh energy. I’m always amazed at how refreshing it can feel to change the layout of a space. It doesn’t have to be forever either, you can try out different arrangements and if it doesn’t work, try making small changes until it feels right.

Write out a list and try something.

Write down a handful of things you’ve been wanting to do and putting off. Or maybe there’s some things that make you uncomfortable that you could write down and lean in to. It can be as small as taking the step to write the list and choosing one thing to try. Then take one step towards trying that thing.

Do a puzzle.

When in doubt, try a jigsaw puzzle. Some people may think it’s boring, like my husband, but you’d be surprised how even puzzle skeptics will get sucked in and super ecstatic when they find that one piece they’ve been looking for. Choose a puzzle that’s pretty and then you can turn it into an art piece.

Clean your closet.

This is my go-to. Cleaning out your closet is one of the best feelings, at least for folks like me who feel calm when things are organized. Even if you’re the kind of person who would rather just close the closet door because if you can’t see it, it’s not there, right? Just pick a drawer, pick a section of the closet, and do it in small chunks. Once you see some progress, it’ll be motivating.


If you’re missing some magic in your days, then try star gazing. Look up and take in the majesty. Here are some awesome tips if you haven’t tried it before.

Go to a park.

Enjoying a park is a fabulous way to pass the time. For some, it is a great way to get exercise, like tossing the frisbee, and for others, it is super fulfilling to sit under a tree and reading a book. Especially in urban areas where open space can be limited, getting yourself to a park can be restorative. Just type “parks near me” into Google, and you may find some new parks you didn’t even know about.

Bike ride.

Hopping on the bike and exploring is so much fun. It is liberating to get around and not be in a car, feeling the wind in your face and taking in everything passing by. Plus, it’s great to get the blood flowing.

Online class.

There are so many free and cheap online classes now, with sites and apps like Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, MasterClass, Teachable, and Kajabi. Heck, even YouTube has tons of awesome free info out there. Instead of binge-watching, which no shade at all-we all enjoy a good binge, try watching something where you can learn a new skill or just be inspired.

Brainstorm on a life plan.

Feeling lost in life? Take some time to explore and brainstorm some values and vision for your life that get you excited. Lose any limiting factors like money or societal norms, and just imagine your dreams. One way to do this is to get a bunch of magazines and create a vision board.

Set goals.

Setting goals are the first step in making things happen for yourself. Sure you can just let life happen, and that’s totally fine. But if you want to be doing something else, feeling differently, or just feel like you’re aimless, then setting goals will help to star you on a new path, one that you define for yourself.

Garage/yard/tag/estate sales.

Driving around and looking for treasures on the weekends is so much fun. I grew up doing this with my mom and it’s a part of my being. You never know what you will find and the excitement of uncovering some treasure you never knew you wanted brings joy into the day. Or maybe you’re looking for something in particular. How good would it feel to find it super cheap at a garage sale versus buying it new for full price?

Scan old photos.

Scanning photos can feel super rewarding. If you’ve got editing savvy, you can even clean them up digitally and restore photos that may have been yellowed or damaged. It can feel very zen to do this because it’s so repetitive. Your mind has something to focus on and the reward is that now you’ve protected your photos and you can easily share them with friends and family.


Getting your hands in the soil and turning dirt into beautiful food or flowers or whatever is relaxing and rewarding. It connects us to the earth and also is a great way to get outside and get exercise. It can be low impact all the way to back-breaking, so choose your comfort level.

Start an art project.

This can feel daunting if you’re not artistically inclined. But don’t worry about how it will turn out, just enjoy doing it. It’s all about the journey they say.

Write a letter.

No one writes letters anymore, yadda yadda. Well, it’s true. It’s pretty sad that we’ve lost this past time because it is so exciting to get a real letter in the mail. Some millennials may not have ever sent or received a letter in the mail. And I’m not talking about a birthday card or holiday photo postcard. So if there’s a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while, take a chance and write them a letter. I bet it’ll make their day and be a point of connection that will have a special impact on your relationship.

Try a new recipe.

I have so many awesome cookbooks and recipes from my family. They just sit there. Why not try a new recipe and challenge yourself?

Play card games.

Cards are easy to bring anywhere and the cool part is you can play them alone or with someone else. Getting good at card games is like a craft and a puzzle at the same time.

Visit an animal shelter.

It’s hard to go to animal shelters and see sometimes abused animals in stark cold cages. But showing up and interacting with them brings a little bit of joy to their day. It’s a selfless way to give back and make another being’s day a little brighter.

Go to a meet-up.

This one can be a little scary. You put yourself out there in a group where you don’t know anyone. But if it’s for something that you enjoy, chances are you’ll meet some people with who you’ll connect and open new doors in your life.

Get out of the house.

It doesn’t matter what you do to get out of the house but do it. Even in pandemic times, you can go for a walk or a little drive. Even if it’s a ½ hour to smell the fresh air and change your surroundings, it can shake up your energy and feel like a fresh start when you get home.

Go for a hike.

Hands down my favorite. Getting out into nature is healing on its own, and then add in exercise. The beautiful thing about hiking is you can go at your own pace and take in the surroundings. There have been so many times that I start a hike feeling anxious from work or overwhelmed by everything on my to-do list, and at the end of the hike, I always always feel worlds better.

Walk around a museum.

If you live in an area where it’s easy to get to a museum, this is a great activity. There’s no pressure to do anything other than walk around and take in the art. You can be inspired by literally some of the best creators in the world and take that renewed energy back home with you. If you want to flex your art muscled, bring a pad or a journal to sketch or write down your thoughts as they come up.

Get lost in a library.

When was the last time you went to a library? If you don’t have young kids or aren’t in school, I bet it’s been a while. Libraries are great places to go exploring in. Pick any topic and scan the shelves. Pull out something that piques your interest, find a little nook, and just enjoy scanning through a book or a few.


There are a few arboretums/gardens where we live and they are great places to walk around in. Most will have signage throughout so you can learn about the different flora and fauna.

Movie night.

Just because we can’t go to theaters in pandemic times, doesn’t mean we can’t create our own movie nights. Pop some popcorn, make an ice cream Sunday, put on your comfiest clothes, grab the fuzzy blankets, turn down the lights, and watch a movie. Sounds like heaven.

Go to a coffee shop.

There’s nothing I love more than going to my favorite coffee shop, getting a cappuccino, reading a book or do a crossword or just people-watch. I worked as a barista for years and some of my closest friends are people I met during those days. Good local coffee shops have a way of creating a community like no other.

Go to a neighborhood cleanup.

In my neighborhood, there’s an urban creek that always gets clogged up with trash. People are always out there cleaning it up on the weekends, and the same with the local beach. It feels so good to help keep a place clean and healthy. It’s a beautiful way to give back to the planet that we live on and also to get some fresh air and low-impact exercise.

Create music playlists.

Hello Spotify. I have tons of playlists in my Spotify account and I love organizing my favorite songs into playlists and knowing that I have a list for almost every kind of mood I’m in with all of my favorite songs from the different phases of my life. Music heals.


Take 10 minutes to close your eyes, slow your breathing, and just focus on being.

Practice yoga.

YouTube has tons of awesome free yoga, from 15-minute morning stretches to hour-long challenging flows. Basically, any style or level of yoga you’re looking for you can find for free to do in your living room. Otherwise, check out yoga in the park or a local studio, but just be aware that some classes can get pretty pricey. Some awesome YouTube channels to try at home are Boho Beautiful, Yoga with Adriene, and Alo Yoga (Caley Alyssa is awesome).

Have a spa treatment.

Get your nails done or have a massage. We all deserve a little pampering now and again.


Dance in your living room with the sound up or find somewhere to dance like a club, a class, or even a community center.

Go for a swim.

I had this apartment a few years ago that had a great little pool. It would melt away stress to swim even for 15 minutes and then take a nice hot shower. If you’re brave, jump into the ocean for a five-minute swim even when it’s freezing. Not sure? Check out Wim Hof and you may be a convert.

Go birding.

Birds are curious creatures. They can be cute little chickadees to majestic raptors. If you own binoculars check out bird hot spots in your area and see what you can see. Ebird has a really cool map where you can find spots near you.

Take a vacation.

It doesn’t have to be a big epic endeavor. Take a short weekend jaunt somewhere an hour or two from home and get an Airbnb, make a dinner reservation, check out some local specialty or event.

Go camping.

We love to go camping on the weekends. Especially when your job is being tied to a computer all week, it can feel so good to get out into nature without any technology and just sit by a fire and watch the stars. Plus, there’s nothing like waking up in a beautiful area to stir the soul.

Make a plan.

Make a plan to do something. Don’t know what the thing is? Part of planning is brainstorming. Get out a big piece of paper and start brainstorming on things you want to plan to do. Find some small goals, set realistic timelines, and track it. You’ll be surprised how you can achieve things when you put pen to paper and monitor your progress.

Stock up on groceries.

We all need to do it, so put on some headphones, play your favorite playlist, and get it done. It’s a small accomplishment, but it will still feel good to have your kitchen stocked with the essentials and some of your favorite snacks.

Spend time with a pet.

Pets are great distractions. They force you to go for a walk, give some rubs, and play. Make your morning or afternoon all about them, clean their space, brush their fur and teeth, buy them a new toy or treat.

Netflix and chill.

We all need it some days. Don’t feel guilty about having a good binge if you are having a day where that’s just what you’re capable of doing. We all need days off to recharge and let our brains rest. It is normal.

Treat Sunday night like Saturday.

I’m sure most of us have had the Sunday blues. Why bother doing anything Sunday night when Monday is right there and a full week of work is a the door? Well, that’s exactly why Sunday night is a good night to go out and have a nice meal, watch a movie, do whatever you would do on Saturday night (well maybe not a party if that’s what you would do), and eek every last drop of the weekend out that you can.

Meal prep.

I am awful at this. There’s something about meal prep that I cannot get into. But I am including it because it’s something that I’ve always stried to do, and the friends I know who have it down tend to eat pretty well and not stress about what to throw together on their lunch break but can relax and enjoy the time. If you have any tips, please let me know!

Sleep in.

My husband’s alarm goes off at 5:30 AM and I’m not too far behind on workdays. Weekend activities be damned – the idea of sleeping in on the weekends is like the best luxury around. Sleeping in for us is like 8 AM but it still counts! Wake up slowly, bask in the deep morning stretches in bed, enjoy the sun on the blankets, and don’t stress about jumping right up and tackling the day. Ease into it.


Putting food on the grill always makes it feel like a special meal. There’s that little bit of extra love that goes into cooking outside and using fire.

Go for a drive.

Take a drive and explore new areas. You will always find something unexpected and inspiring. Either in coming across areas, buildings, spaces that you want to explore more or in seeing things that help you to understand what you don’t want in your life. Either way, it’s a great way to get out and see more of where you live.

Do the laundry.

Doing the laundry is one of most people’s dreaded tasks. But I kind of like it. For me, I try to think of doing the laundry and even doing the dishes as an active meditation. If you stop to feel the warmth of the clothes and the satisfaction from taking good care of the things that keep you warm and allow you to express yourself, it can be satisfying and feel like less of a chore.


You deserve to slow down, take a pause, put your feet up, and chill baby!

I hope one of these ideas helps you to fill your weekend days with weekend activities that bring you contentment. Please pin this post or forward it to someone who would benefit. Enjoy your weekend!

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